How To Use These Guides

Landing Page Map:

Each node on the map can be clicked to access recommendations and literature. Clicking within the guide will open within the same tab. Red arrow indicates click and result using screen shots from the Group Work Guide.


Expandable Content:

Each plus sign (+) indicates that upon a click you can access additional specific recommendations, published papers, and resources. Only one area will be open at any time so clicking on another plus sign (+) will close any open content. Red arrow indicates click and result using screen shots from the Group Work Guide.


Hierarchical Content:

Within some expandable content, there is an additional layer of organization. These are indicated by boxes that when clicked the text becomes bold. Clicking on another box will show different recommendations and links. Red arrow indicates click and result using screen shots from the Group Work Guide.


Accessing Literature & Resources:

Each article and resource website is linked directly within the guide. Clicking on the title will open the article or the resource in a new tab. Red arrow indicates click and result using screen shots from the Group Work Guide.


Differentiating Between Icon Links:

Each link will be indicated by a geometric symbol. Papers have a rectangle symbol that may indicate the source of published paper. Resources have a triangle. Links to other guides will have an oval symbol.

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